Advanced Risk Management | Risk Calculation

Exposure determination, risk calculation and strategy development with smart hedging

Dates & Place

22.10. - 24.10.2024 ONLINE
26.11. - 27.11.2024 in Zurich


Special knowledge


2,5 days
2 days - Zurich


EUR 2.490,- plus VAT.

Bernhard Kastner

Bernhard Kastner

Senior Manager

Schwabe, Ley & Greiner


Professional risk management is important and feasible for both large and medium-sized companies, regardless of their size. The seminar deals with how to determine the positions for financial risks and how to present and interpret risks from them. Subsequently, it is necessary to decide whether and how risks are to be hedged. Modern methods for "smart" and efficient hedging can be used. Meaningful reporting rounds off risk management.


Main topics


  • What are the tasks of the cash manager in the company?
  • What are the minimum standards to be taken into account in the organizational structure & process organization?
  • What are the differences in the accounting or treasury perspective? Which business management approaches do you need to understand?
  • What are the requirements vis-à-vis banks?
  • What are the current trends in cash management for large and small companies?


  • What data in the company can be used to determine exposure?
  • Which positions (booked, IC, etc.) are relevant for the exposure determination for
    currency and interest rate risk?
  • How do price lists and project business affect risk exposure?


  • What methods can be used to measure risk?
  • What can a sensitivity analysis do, what can a value-at-risk do?
  • What is the difference between value-at-risk and cash flow-at-risk?
  • What is the benefit of a stress test and how can it be performed?


  • How can a risk capacity be derived?
  • How can ratings and covenants be used as benchmarks?
  • What is the difference between risk capacity and risk appetite?


  • How do you move from risk appetite to strategy?
  • How do you use diversification in setting your risk strategy?
  • How do different hedging strategies affect risk?
  • How can you optimize risks while securing "smart"?


  • What are position, loss and risk limits?
  • How can different limits be set?
  • How is the utilization of limits determined and what consideration is given to realized and unrealized gains or losses?


  • What content is needed in a meaningful report?
  • How can risk exposure and risk be represented?
  • What conclusions can be drawn from risk reports?
  • How can treasury performance be measured?

Calculation in Excel

  • How to calculate volatilities and correlations from market data?
  • How do you determine value-at-risk and cash flow-at-risk?
  • How is a component VaR calculated?

Group of participants

Employees and managers who work in or are responsible for risk management and who want to acquire knowledge that goes beyond the basics, as well as corporate client advisors from banks who want to learn about their clients' day-to-day business from their perspective.


Participants go through the entire risk management process using the risk cycle: starting with the identification of risks, followed by the methodology for risk calculation, continuing with the selection of the appropriate strategy and the derivation of suitable limits, and ending with a meaningful report.

Feedback from our customers

It was a very interesting and entertaining seminar. The mixture of lecture, questions, discussion and calculation of the case studies was just right.

Do you have any questions?

Marc Baumgärtner

Marc Baumgärtner

Seminar organization

Treasury Training

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