
Treasury training - compact, comprehensive and practice-oriented!

Dive deep into all facets of payment transactions in one week

NEW: Intensive course: Payment transactions

Vienna | ONLINE

Our five-day course provides a comprehensive overview of modern payment transaction standards and how you can organize payments effectively and securely. From the efficient management of payment flows within a company and the forward-looking orientation of electronic payment transactions to the safeguarding of payment processes and successful online payment strategies: we prepare you optimally for current and future challenges!

Around the world of treasury management in three days

Entry-level course: Treasury Kick-Off

Vienna | Mannheim | Zurich | ONLINE  

Treasury management has gained massively in importance in companies over the past 30 years. The tasks that used to be performed more or less by the accounting department are now performed by dedicated treasury departments with high and professional standards in terms of expertise and IT.

Comprehensive treasury education at universities and technical colleges, on the other hand, is still in its infancy in many cases. Especially when it comes to the practical presentation of the interrelationships in the finance area. This course is designed to close the gap and shows precisely these connections and interactions between the individual disciplines of treasury management.

Comprehensive, practical basic training for day-to-day treasury work

Basic training course: Treasury Management

Vienna | Cologne | Stuttgart | ONLINE

More than 1,300 participants have already attended the "Fundamentals of Treasury Management (GTM)" course and acquired the necessary tools for their day-to-day work in corporate treasury management. The content of the course was compiled on the basis of our experience from over 5,000 consulting projects at more than 2,000 companies and is constantly being further developed.

The course consists of three modules of one week each, which you can also book independently of each other. Since the modules complement each other and do not build on each other, it is also possible to choose the order and venues as desired.

Optionally, an examination can be taken afterwards to confirm the learning success and to document the acquired qualification(treasury certification).

The successful development of a modern treasury department

Expert course: Treasury Express


In this five-day course, the structure of a modern treasury department is simulated on the basis of a sample company. Special emphasis is placed on the intensive discussion of implementation options and the development of a structured approach.

A primer for Corporate Treasury 

Treasury Management Foundations 


In one week, participants gain an insight into all the tasks handled in a modern treasury department. These cover not only functional issues such as cash management, corporate finance and risk management but also associated issues such as transparency, reports and digitalization.

Join us for a training course preparing you for a career in corporate treasury management. The course exposes you to specialist knowledge and practical use cases.

One week of intensive training in SAP Treasury basics

Intensive course: SAP Treasury Week

Düsseldorf | Vienna

In this 5-day course, participants learn about the application possibilities of SAP in all treasury-relevant modules - from cash management and payment transactions to the administration of financial transactions, risk management and liquidity planning through to reporting in SAC.

Practical Excel skills for the financial sector

Efficient work with Excel

Vienna | Mannheim 

Our two-day practice-oriented Excel seminar is aimed at both beginners and advanced users. On the first day, the basics of effective data processing and analysis are taught and the focus is primarily on the fundamentals of daily work in Excel. On the second day, building on the basics of the first day, various practical examples will be worked through together using advanced methods. Depending on your own qualifications , each day can also be booked individually.

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