+43 1 5854830 info@slg.co.at


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Advanced Risk Management | Risk Calculation

Vienna Gertrude-Fröhlich-Sandner-Straße, Vienna, Austria, Austria

Exposure determination, risk calculation and strategy development with smart hedging

Sustainable Finance

Vienna Gertrude-Fröhlich-Sandner-Straße, Vienna, Austria, Austria

Recognize, understand and realize potentials

Financial Modeling for the Finance Department


Development of an integrated financial model in Excel to simulate scenarios, liquidity requirements as well as financial covenants and rating implications

Treasury Certification

Vienna Gertrude-Fröhlich-Sandner-Straße, Vienna, Austria, Austria

Exam registration

Cash and liquidity management

Vienna Gertrude-Fröhlich-Sandner-Straße, Vienna, Austria, Austria

Freeing up liquidity through efficient cash management

Currency Risk Management

Vienna Gertrude-Fröhlich-Sandner-Straße, Vienna, Austria, Austria

Identifying, limiting and managing potential risks

Interest rate risk management

Vienna Gertrude-Fröhlich-Sandner-Straße, Vienna, Austria, Austria

Identifying, limiting and managing potential risks

Efficient work with Excel

Vienna Gertrude-Fröhlich-Sandner-Straße, Vienna, Austria, Austria

What to look out for when setting up modern liquidity planning

Use of AI in treasury

Fully booked

Concrete digitization projects, background knowledge on new technologies, new functions on the treasury system market

Use of AI in treasury


Concrete digitization projects, background knowledge on new technologies, new functions on the treasury system market