Treasury on Tour in Cologne

March 18, 2025


When & Where



We bring Treasury to your home

Treasury on Tour will enter the next round on March 18, 2025. The focus is on exchange - we want to discuss current topics in an informal atmosphere that invites networking.

Our vision

Professional life is always changing and we believe that regularly bringing together leading minds in the treasury world is essential for further development.

Our mission

With high-quality presentations, discussions and the opportunity to network with executives from other companies in the region, Treasury on Tour aims to make an important contribution to the industry.

The Way we go...


Because we are a people's business. The last two years have shown that it is only possible to a limited extent to maintain networking and personal exchange with virtual tools.


Through Treasury on Tour! The special challenge is to mobilize participants nationwide for one-day events. Thus, we come to you with the current topics.

Where and when?

Hyatt Regency Cologne

Tuesday, March 18, 2025


12:00-12:30 Welcome coffee and pastries

12:30-12:35 Opening

12:35-13:15 Lecture Partner "A"

13:15-13:55 Presentation Partner "B

13:55-14:25 BREAK

14:25-15:05 Presentation Partner "C"

15:05-15:45 Presentation Partner "D"

15:45-16:15 Break

16:15-16:55 Presentation Partner "E"

16:55-17:35 Presentation Partner "F"

17:35-19:00 Get2gether