The new world of payment transactions

All about modern organization, visionary trends and the challenges of an ISO 20022 migration

Dates & Place

12.11. - 13.11.2024 ONLINE


Special knowledge


2 days


EUR 2.190,- plus VAT.

Sonja Bauer

Sonja Bauer

Senior Manager

Schwabe, Ley & Greiner


The harmonization of global payment transactions on the basis of XML formats, new EU regulations and the assessment of their impact on one's own company (keyword PSD2), the acceleration of payment transactions (keyword instant payments), protection against fraud attempts and new control obligations (keyword compliance screening) are just a few examples of current challenges in payment transactions. In the future, new technologies (such as blockchain or machine learning) as well as new providers (such as FinTechs) will influence payment transactions - but how and with what consequences for your own company? The seminar covers both the current challenges and issues as well as the trends in payment traffic.

Focus on payment transactions


  • What are the tasks of the cash manager in the company?
  • What are the minimum standards to be taken into account in the organizational structure & process organization?
  • What are the differences in the accounting or treasury perspective? Which business management approaches do you need to understand?
  • What are the requirements vis-à-vis banks?
  • What are the current trends in cash management for large and small companies?

Electronic payments: formats, communication channels and payment systems

  • XML formats in payment transactions: ISO 20022 and the CGI format
  • Variants of bank communication: host-to-host, EBICS, SWIFT, API
  • Variants of the bank connection
  • Functions of payment systems, technical and functional requirements, system selection

Internal and external payment transactions

  • Design options in internal payment transactions
  • Definition and paths to the payment factory - levels of complexity and implications for cash management and accounting processes
  • In-house bank concept
  • Use of virtual accounts

Security in payment transactions

  • Attack patterns and defense through organizational, procedural and technical means
  • Implementation of the verification of unwanted recipients ("Denied Party Check")

PSD2: Legal basis for Austria and Germany

  • Rights and obligations for corporates under the European Payment Services Directive 2

Online payment

  • Description of common payment methods in online stores
  • Market participants: overview of payment service providers, acquirers, issuers, etc.
  • Explanation of the most important online topics for treasurers

Trends and new technologies

  • Acceleration of payments, real-time payments or "instant payments" and "request to pay"
  • Importance of FinTechs, the Blockchain and Virtual Currencies
  • Explanation of the most important online topics for treasurers

Banks: control, tendering and electronic fee billing

  • Bank management: tasks and objectives
  • Bank tender: What to consider?
  • Electronic bank fee statement: TWIST-BSB, camt.086

ISO 20022 Migration


  • What are the tasks of the cash manager in the company?
  • What are the minimum standards to be taken into account in the organizational structure & process organization?
  • What are the differences in the accounting or treasury perspective? Which business management approaches do you need to understand?
  • What are the requirements vis-à-vis banks?
  • What are the current trends in cash management for large and small companies?

Introduction to the ISO 20022 standard

  • Basic principles and architecture of the standard
  • Overview of the different message types and their purpose
  • Start and end dates, transition periods and associated migration requirements

Effects on business processes

  • Improvements in the areas of efficiency, interoperability and data exchange
  • Effects of migration on existing business processes and services

Technical aspects of migration from a treasury perspective

  • Requirements for IT systems (ERP, HR, TMS system)

  • Cooperation with global banking partners

  • Data conversion and mapping between existing formats and ISO 20022

Best Practices

  • Discussion of different approaches to migration

  • Experiences of other companies

  • Advantages, disadvantages and challenges

Group of participants

Employees and managers who are involved in or responsible for the processing of payment transactions and are interested in increasing security, as well as corporate account managers from banks who want to learn about the day-to-day business of their customers from their perspective


The seminar covers both technical aspects (formats, communication channels, payment systems) and essential processes (payment factory, security in payment transactions, bank tenders) and presents the current trends in payment transactions (instant payments, virtual accounts, online payments, electronic bank fee settlement, etc).

Feedback from our customers

The speaker is professionally very competent. The management of the seminar was very good, there was no boredom, nor was one overwhelmed with too much input at once. The examples and diagrams provided in the presentation are very helpful for understanding. The materials are very well structured. The preparation for the seminar and the delivery of the relevant advance information was smooth.

Do you have any questions?

Marc Baumgärtner

Marc Baumgärtner

Seminar organization

Treasury Training

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Cash and liquidity management

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Point-of-sale payments and e-commerce as success factors

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Digitalization in Treasury

New technologies and system functionalities

Security in payment transactions: making processes and technology secure

Further development of attack patterns as a challenge

Treasury Training
