Basic training course: Treasury Management
Risk Management Module
02.12. - 06.12.2024 in Vienna
10.03. - 14.03.2025 ONLINE
5 days
EUR 3.350,- plus VAT.
Over 1,300 participants have already completed the "Basic course: Treasury Management (GTM)" and acquired the necessary tools for their daily work in corporate treasury management.
In this module, we replicate the entire risk management process. Whether currency risk or interest rate risk - we take a deep dive into the identification of risk components, determine the group risk position and show all common methods for quantification in order to then discuss instruments, strategies and implementation steps for successful risk management. We then show how treasury works in practice. A guest speaker will explain the current challenges and the strategies used.
Optionally, an examination can be taken afterwards to confirm the learning success and document the acquired qualification(treasury certification).
Main topics
- What are the tasks of the cash manager in the company?
- What are the minimum standards to be taken into account in the organizational structure & process organization?
- What are the differences in the accounting or treasury perspective? Which business management approaches do you need to understand?
- What are the requirements vis-à-vis banks?
- What are the current trends in cash management for large and small companies?
Currency Risk Management
- Identification of direct and indirect foreign currency risks
- Determination of the Group risk position
- Measurement and analysis of FX risks using sensitivity analysis and the at-risk approach
- Instruments, strategies and implementation steps for successful currency risk management
This seminar individually.
Interest rate risk management
- Interaction between cash flow and value risk
- Successful identification of interest rate risks
- Quantification of interest rate risk using sensitivities, cash flow at-risk and simulations
- Duration as a tool for interest rate risk management
- Strategies for handling interest rate risk management in the company
This seminar individually.
Treasury in practice
- Current challenges of a treasury department in practice
- Strategies applied in the areas of risk management, transparency creation, cash management and fraud prevention.
- Future outlook and planned projects of a treasury department
Hedge Accounting and Accounting for Treasurers
- Comparison of the accounting treatment of hedge accounting under HGB and IFRS
- Replacement of IAS 39 regulations by IFRS 9
- Fair value measurements in accordance with IFRS 13
- Comparison of cash flow hedge and fair value hedge
- Disclosure requirements for hedge accounting
- Scope, objectives and impact of EMIR, AWV and FinfraG
This seminar individually.
Final case study
- Case study on the application of the acquired knowledge in the course of a "health check" of a treasury department
- Analysis of the sample company in the following areas: Account disposition, payment transactions, liquidity planning, interest rate risk, foreign currency risk and organization
Group of participants
Employees and junior managers from the areas of treasury, finance, controlling or accounting who are looking for comprehensive, practical basic training for their day-to-day work in treasury and finance management, as well as corporate account managers from banks who want to get to know the day-to-day business of their customers from their perspective
The team of speakers consists of partners and consultants from SLG on the one hand and experts from companies and banks on the other.