Currency and interest rate risk management
Identifying, limiting and managing potential risks
10.03. - 12.03.2025 ONLINE
30.06. - 02.07.2025 in Cologne
10.11. - 12.11.2025 in Vienna
3 days
EUR 2.690,- plus VAT.
Currency and interest rate fluctuations can cause considerable earnings volatility for companies. This has been proven to have a negative impact on the value of a company - in some cases even jeopardizing its continued existence.
In the course of the seminar, the process of market risk management is prepared in a structured manner. This involves identifying which positions are exposed to risk and analyzing how the risks affect the company. Different quantification methods are presented and the advantages and disadvantages are discussed in detail. Based on this information, it is possible to make well-founded decisions on the risk strategy and subsequently implement it. The potential impact of these risks requires a careful choice of strategy - also with regard to sustainable corporate management.
The seminars Interest rate risk management (1.5 days) and Currency Risk Management (1.5 days) can also be booked individually.
Main topics
- What are the tasks of the cash manager in the company?
- What are the minimum standards to be taken into account in the organizational structure & process organization?
- What are the differences in the accounting or treasury perspective? Which business management approaches do you need to understand?
- What are the requirements vis-à-vis banks?
- What are the current trends in cash management for large and small companies?
Fundamentals and risk policy
- What is the "check list" for professional risk management?
- What do corporate risk management policies prescribe?
- Which specifications and "benchmarks" should a treasury be measured against, and which should it not?
Currency risk analysis
- When does currency risk arise and why is it often difficult to identify?
- Where can direct and indirect currency risks be found in the operating business and how do they show up in accounting?
- What are the methods for risk analysis and quantification?
- What are the hedging instruments and why do accounting and treasury present the risks and hedges differently?
- How is the systematic definition of a risk strategy carried out?
Analysis of interest rate risk
- What are the manifestations of interest rate risk?
- Which items in the balance sheet and income statement contain interest rate risks?
- What is the difference between interest balance risk and value risk?
- How are the risks quantified?
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of each quantification method?
- What are the different approaches to risk strategy in terms of cost and risk aspects?
- What hedging instruments are there and how do they differ?
Group of participants
Employees and managers who work in or are responsible for foreign currency or interest rate risk management, as well as corporate account managers from banks who want to learn about their clients' day-to-day business from their perspective
Based on the theoretical principles of risk identification, quantification and hedging, the practical implementation is explained using numerous examples. Finally, various approaches to risk strategy and reporting are examined and compared.